complemented her creamy complexion and large green eyes, and her full, sensuous lips had quickly become a trademark. She was tall of course, with long legs and a slender waist. And a curvy but firm little rear. She also had a surprisingly full bust for a girl with such a trim figure.

Cindy's model-perfect face and sexy figure were a combination that was simply unfair when compared to millions of normal women. But why else would she command $5,000. a day modeling fees and lucrative commercial contracts from cosmetic companies?

"It must be nice to be young, gorgeous, and rich," I often mused as I waited on her.

"Good evening, Miss," I said as she idly glanced at her mail.

"Hi, Cissie. Go fix me a drink, will you?"

I went to the bar and mixed her usual "very cold, very dry" martini the drink suddenly trendy with the fashionable crowd Cindy hung with.

Stepping across the room with a small serving tray, I placed the martini on the low table in front of my employer. Miss Cindy took a long sip from her drink and sank back on the sofa and sighed.

"Go set the table Cissie, and make sure my dinner is ready. I'll be ready to eat soon."

Cindy picked up the latest issue of Elle and started flipping through the pages as I curtsied to her and went off to the kitchen. I was required to curtsy to her to show respect, but I didn't really mind. Miss Cindy was the kind of beautiful, self-assured young woman that seemed to court respect wherever she went. Besides, my curtsying added a touch of elegance to the household routine.

Cindy got up and came into the dining room when I told her dinner was served. She had been out on a shoot since Eight that morning and looked a little tired. Cindy sat at the table silently reading her fashion magazine as I served her dinner.

Since Miss Cindy thought it was only proper that we dine separately, I'd eaten in the kitchen earlier. Although our relationship was friendly, Cindy liked to keep a certain distance and formality between us. I stayed close by in the kitchen with the door swung open in case she needed anything.

Cindy finished her dinner and sprang up from the table with an unexpected burst of energy.


"Leave the dishes Cissie, and come help me get out of these clothes," Cindy announced suddenly as she breezed past the kitchen doorway and went down the hall toward her bedroom.

"Yes, Miss."

I followed her down the hall, my heels clicking on the marble tile floor. When I reached her luxurious bedroom, Miss Cindy had already peeled off her sweat shirt and was pushing the stretch pants down over her curvy hips. She was sitting on the edge of her bed with her legs stuck out waiting for me to pull them off for her.

I bent down and pulled the tight Capri pants off my mistress' pretty legs and then picked up her sweat shirt off the floor. I went to the large walk-in closet and placed the clothes in a laundry hamper. When I emerged, I was startled by being hit in the face with her bra and panties!

"Gotcha!" Miss Cindy said, naked and giggling like a schoolgirl.

I picked up Miss Cindy's thong panty and bra, which were both very French and very sexy. I dropped the wispy Lejaby underthings into the "Hand Wash" basket in the closet, discouraged to see that it was nearly full. Cindy went through lingerie and night wear quickly.

My breath caught in my throat when I saw Miss Cindy lay back on her bed and stretch. Every guy in the country (and more than a few women) would give anything to see sexy Cindy relaxing nude in her bedroom.

"Stop staring at me Cissie, and get me something to wear!" Miss Cindy ordered when she realized I was looking at her and day-dreaming.

I literally had to shake my head to snap back to reality before stammering, "Y-yes, Miss." I was hopelessly in love with my beautiful mistress and it was sweet torture to see her lovely body stretched out on the bed.

"I swear, I don't know why you're still drooling over me, Cissie. You always see me with nothing on or just in my panties or something. What's the big deal?" she asked with an exasperated tone as she crossed her silky legs.

I stood quietly with my head bowed, ashamed at myself for staring at her. I knew personal maids had to be nonchalant about seeing their employers nude but most maids didn't have employers as incredibly gorgeous as Cindy.